Snowconesolid Productions, Samer Hills, and their associated logos, trademarks, and or registered trademarks and all logos and trademarks affiliated with Snowconesolid Productions and Samer Hills are property of Samer Khatib (Snowconesolid Productions) LLC. Snowconesolid Productions, Samer Hills, and all logos, video games, artwork, content, and or any other form of media created and or produced by Snowconesolid Productions and Samer Hills are copyrighted works and property of Samer Khatib (Snowconesolid Productions) LLC. All copyrighted material is the sole property of Samer Khatib (Snowconesolid Productions) LLC. Copyrighted material by Samer Khatib (Snowconesolid Productions) LLC may not be reproduced. Any reproduction without the consent of Samer Khatib (Snowconesolid Productions) LLC is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.